This guide, podcast, and brand was birthed by Omisade, a cisgender, Black, heterosexual woman born and raised in the American South.

Black Girl’s Guide to
Surviving Menopause

Between navigating healthcare systems and exploring identity, having reliable information at your fingertips makes a huge difference.

I've carefully curated these resources based on my experience supporting clients through perimenopause and gender transitions. While these aren't substitutes for professional care, they're trustworthy starting points for understanding your experiences and advocating for your needs.

Empowering Your Journey: Resources for Perimenopause & Gender-Affirming Care

Recommended Resources for Perimenopause

Find a practitioner who is trained to recognize and treat perimenopause

The Menopause Soceity

Podcast Episode: How to Balance Your Hormones: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Menopause

Mel Robbins

Chantelle is an Australian blogger who writes about all things menopause.

Chantelle Bell Naturopathy

Dr Gunter's website showcases her three books, a website chock full of information about menopause, her blog, Ted Talks, etc.

Dr. Jen Gunter

Recommended Perimenopause instagram accounts to follow:

Faced with isolation and judgment, a woman who always knew she didn't want children began photographing and sharing stories of other childfree women to challenge negative stereotypes.

Zoë Noble: Founder of We Are Childfree

Resources for childfree and/or single Women

The article examines how women navigate the choice to be childfree while challenging societal expectations about motherhood.

Navigating the Choice to Be Childfree Article

Lucy Meggeson shares her joyful experiences of being single and childfree through humor and validation, showing others how to embrace this lifestyle with confidence.

Spinsterhood Reimagined

Shani Silver created A Single Serving Podcast to help women embrace their singlehood while challenging society's negative narratives about being single.

Shani Silver

Renee Sylvestre-Williams creates financial resources specifically for single people, addressing unique challenges from the "singles tax" to solo travel.

Renee Sylvestre-Williams

The UCSF Gender Affirming Health Program provides comprehensive medical care and research for transgender and gender non-binary communities through their team of specialized healthcare providers.

UCSF Transgender Care

Recommended Resources for Transgender Care

The Gender Confirmation Center provides inclusive, personalized gender-affirming care through informed consent, comprehensive insurance support, and a fully trained staff committed to empowering the trans community.

Gender Confirmation Center, SF

Plume provides comprehensive virtual healthcare for trans and nonbinary individuals, offering customized gender-affirming care from providers who understand the community's unique needs.

Plume Health, online Services

The Gender Institute at St. Francis Memorial Hospital offers comprehensive gender-affirming healthcare through specially trained staff and surgeons dedicated to providing respectful, high-quality care in a safe environment.

St. Francis Memorial Hospital, SF

PFLAG, the nation's largest LGBTQ+ support organization, provides resources and community for transgender and nonbinary individuals and their families through hundreds of local chapters across America.

PFLAG (Formerly Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

GLAAD advocates for LGBTQ+ representation and acceptance through media advocacy, storytelling, and programs that advance authentic dialogue and cultural change.

GLAAD- Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation